Chamber Committees
Advocacy & Public Policy - Meetings are ongoing, place and time TBD each year.
The role of the Advocacy Committee is to work with the 4 county chambers to monitor state public policy initiatives impacting Hendricks County businesses. The committee identifies and educates chamber members on key public policy topics and connects elected officials to the business agenda of Hendricks County
Ambassadors - Meets the 2nd Friday of the month, Chicago's Pizza @ 11:30
The Ambassador Committee is responsible for attracting AND welcoming new members to the Chamber. The committee hosts quarterly new member orientations and committee members are asked to be present at many social functions to welcome new members as well.
Audit Committee - Meetings are held the end of each year (November - December)
The Audit Committee is in charge of overseeing financial reporting and control systems, reviewing annual financial statements to determine and/or recommend that appropriate accounting practices and policies and being followed. Members of this committee should have knowledge of financing, auditing and banking practices. You will also be asked to sign a non-disclosure prior to your first meeting.
Christmas Lights - Meetings are TBD as needed during the year.
The Plainfield Chamber provides the Christmas lights that brighten Main Street during the holidays. Volunteers are needed to assist in putting up the lights and then taking them down at season end. Committee members also make recommendations to the chamber’s Board of Directors for future purchases.
Finance Committee - Meetings are held between Nov–Dec of each year or as needed.
Oversees the Chamber of Commerce’s overall financial progress to ensure the organization is operating with the financial resources it needs to provide programs and services to the community. The committee makes recommendations to the Board regarding funding sources and advises on the financial health of the Plainfield Chamber of Commerce. Members of this committee should have knowledge of financing and budgeting. You will also be asked to sign a non-disclosure prior to your first meeting.
Golf Outing - Meetings begin in April through the Golf Outing in August.
This all-day event is held the first Thursday in August. Responsibilities of the committee include calling other members for sponsorships and door prizes; recruiting players; assisting with on-site setup; and helping with event day functions including registration, raffles, golf hole activities, etc.
Marketing & Sponsorship Committee - Meetings are TBD as needed.
This committee is responsible for coming up with sponsorship, investment and advertising opportunities for members, while at the same time strengthening the Chamber's non-dues revenue stream, which in turn helps the Chamber remain strong and relevant.
Member Engagement - Meets the 1st Thursdays of the month, Mama Birds @ 9am.
This committee is responsible for planning several of the chamber monthly social events such as Happy Hours, First Fridays & Chamber Cafe's plus booking engaging speakers for the monthly member meetings.
Member of the Month - Meets the 2nd Tuesday of every month, Chicago’s Pizza @ 11am.
This committee is responsible for bringing Business of the Month nominations to the board as well as Business of the Year nominations.
Quaker Day Parade - Meetings begin in April through the Parade in September.
The parade is typically held on the 3rd Saturday morning in September. Responsibilities include establishing a parade theme, and assisting with approving participant applications, ordering necessary supplies, parade lay-out, and various duties the morning of the parade.
Scholarship Committee - Meetings begin in late January through the end of April.
The Plainfield Chamber awards college scholarships to several recipients each year. This committee meets to update the applications for our student and adult scholarships initially. They meet again at the end of April to review the submitted applications and select the scholarship recipients.
Trivia Night - Meetings begin in October though Trivia Night in February.
Trivia Night is one of the Chambers major fundraisers of the year. The committee needs energetic, think outside the box kind of people to help plan and execute this event. Duties include: caterer selection, space planning, fundraising, and volunteers the night of the event."
Welcome Bags - Meetings are TBD as needed during the year.
Every quarter, the chamber drops welcome bags on the doorsteps of new Plainfield residents. Members have the opportunity to include their marketing items in these bags. This committee coordinates, stuffs and helps to distributes bags.